
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hitching Post Theater: A Play in a Day - TODAY!

Love the theater but short on time? Then you’ll love the play-in-a-day concept recently launched in Boulder by Erin Kelly and Jesse McDonald. As the Hitching Post motto states, "If you love organic, edgy and uninhibited entertainment, then you've got to come and experience Hitching Post Theater."

The idea started in 2004 in Los Angeles, but when Kelly and McDonald moved their company, Rock Rose Entertainment, to Boulder in fall 2009, they were eager to get their feet wet in Colorado’s entertainment industry, and Hitching Post was born.

The concept is simple: At 9 a.m. five writers randomly choose two actors from their headshots. Producers unveil the theme of the day. The writers have until 1 p.m. to draft short plays of seven to 10 pages for their two actors. At 1 p.m. the producers collect the scripts and rush them to the waiting actors and directors. The first performance is at 7 p.m.

Hitching Post Theater opened Oct. 11 and produced plays Nov. 8 and Dec. 13, when more than 130 people attended the two shows. Each month features new themes and new artists. Performances are on the second Sunday of the month. January's productions are today, January 10 at 7 and 8:30pm.

Nobody gets paid, but “you get your play produced for you, you are given a stage on which to create. With the investment of one day, your work is showcased. The artist gets a chance to work and test their craft,” Kelly says.

The plays are currently produced at the Kelly Barn, 1360 Sumac Ave., but Kelly and McDonald plan to move them to the Nomad Theatre later in 2010. For more information or tickets, visit Rock Rose’s website. You can also become a fan on Facebook.
—Kay Turnbaugh

Pictured: Katie B. Jarvis in the opening performance. Photo by Kimberly Wyatt

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